Ignite is designed to gather the regional community, envision with God’s desire to establish a dwelling place of His presence and equip participants in a three-fold way:

• Experience personal transformation through divine encounter
• Release God’s creative power through the simplicity of agreement
• Impact the region through unified corporate engagement

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, in ministry, or in the workplace full-time, Ignite is perfect for all who desire to:

• Encounter God in worship, prayer and the prophetic arts
• Grow in passion for Jesus and His Word
• Develop an enjoyable and consistent prayer life
• Connect in a vibrant community of like-minded believers
• Impact the region with the transforming power of the Holy Spirit

What You'll Experience

Ignite combines dynamic corporate worship, solid theological teaching and Spirit-led ministry times with relevant group discussions and practical hands-on training that’s both impactful and enjoyable.

The good news is there’s no “practice” in the kingdom of God!  As we agree with the Lord in sincerity and faith, He inhabits our praise and answers our prayers!  So whether participants can only attend Ignite for part of the day or the entire program, we invite everyone to come encounter God, experience personal transformation, and get equipped to make an impact in our generation!

Our Goals

Envision Community – God’s desire for night-and-day prayer with worship in every nation, tribe and tongue combined with the necessity of unified corporate gatherings of prayer to experience the fullness of God, leading to dynamic impact in this age and continuity of labor in the age-to-come.

Equip Participants – Encounter God consistently in worship and prayer using the Scriptures, while engaging in unified corporate worship and prayer unto making a dynamic impact in this generation. Gain confident boldness in team ministry using a simple and enjoyable model to release the prophetic flow of the Holy Spirit in worship, prayer and the prophetic arts.

Strengthen Staff – Understand the divine invitation and privilege of full time vocational ministry unto the LORD, while persevering with joy in the days of small beginnings by understanding the way God builds and measures success. Receiving a divine strategy to build a worshipping community with a vibrant prayer culture that’s inclusive, enjoyable and sustainable.

Teaching Topics

Ignite covers the following themes and much more!

Divine Blueprints for the Victorious Church – Our Eternal Identity and Destiny

Why the House of Prayer? 16 Divine Purposes

Our Father in Heaven – The Eternal Sovereign with Tender Affection

The Vital Role of Intercessors in Changing History

Cultivating a Lifestyle of Intimacy with the Beautiful God

The Glory, Pleasure and Transforming Power of Encountering God

Our Eternal Occupation, as a Royal Governmental Priesthood

The Mystery of Israel: Four Essential Parts in God’s plan of World Redemption

Being a Person of “One Thing” and more!

Stay Connected with Ignite the Nations


  • My friend Corey Stark is a clear voice of love and truth. He is a man of humility who is passionate about calling people to experience the beauty of Jesus and to commit wholeheartedly to Him. It is with joy that I recommend the ministry of Corey Stark to you!”

    Rick Pino
    Director of Heart of David Worship Center in Austin, TX
  • Corey Stark is called for such a time as this—to lift up his voice about the beauty of Jesus and His plans for the church at the end of the age. His prophetic insight and anointed teaching stirs hearts and minds to study the Word of God and seek the face of God. Line upon line, precept upon precept, Corey brings clarity to what many find to be one of the most difficult books in the Bible—proving that anyone can understand God’s end-time plan

    Jennifer LeClaire
    Founder of IHOP Fort Lauderdale and senior editor at Charisma magazine.
  • I believe God has raised up Corey Stark to help equip and ignite a generation to steward a genuine God-breathed, Christ-awakening in these last days! Corey has a unique anointing to bring the Word and Spirit together through his teaching, prayer and equipping ministry! He is a gifted bible teacher with a rich and Christ-exalting understanding of the role of Israel and the end-times! He is consumed with passion for Jesus, and desires to see the slain Lamb receive the reward of his suffering in the nations of the earth! I highly recommend Corey and his resources to you!

    Dr. Jason Hubbard
    Director of Light of the World Prayer Center in Bellingham, WA.
  • Corey Stark is a very personal, prophetic and anointed speaker with incredible insight, passion and revelation of the knowledge of God’s Word, given to the Body of Christ to be challenged, equipped and prepared for living victoriously in these last days. Corey’s transparency and care for the people he serves is very evident as we saw the transformation and fruit brought forth from his teaching and life stories. We have been quite encouraged as new leaders in building a house of prayer in Windsor with Corey’s ongoing care, availability to help us, and strategies imparted to us. We highly recommend Corey’s ministry and team to churches and ministries hungry for the Presence of God.

    Rick and Cathy Ciaramitaro
    Senior pastors of Windsor Christian Fellowship and president of Open Bible Faith Fellowship a Network of churches in Canada.
  • Corey is a passionate communicator of biblical truth and End Time encouragement for the body of Christ. He comes with a servant heart to work with the body of Christ in the local situation. Corey’s rooting in the International House of Prayer in Kansas gives him a deep connection with God and a heart to build His house of prayer across the nations. He has blessed us here in the UK Houses of Prayer. I warmly endorse Corey’s ministry

    Rev. Dr. William Porter
    Beacon House of Prayer, Stoke-on-Trent and coordinator of HOP network in the UK
  • Corey Stark is a prophetic voice of the victorious role of the church through Jesus’ end-time plan. With ease and anointing Corey unfolds topics that are often misunderstood. His teaching not only brings understanding, but also stirs a passion for Jesus, as His beauty is seen and desire to partner with Him is awakened.

    Antonio Baldovinos
    Director of the Global Prayer House Missions Base in Medicine Hat, AB, Canada
  • Corey Stark is an anointed, prophetic trumpet blast of God’s end-time revelation. There’s no substitute for the kind of intimacy with Jesus and knowledge of Word and Spirit that mark his ministry. Before he came to our mostly Southern Baptist community in Southern California, many of us had never heard or experienced the kind of messages and ministry he shared. It’s brought the Word to life in a whole new way and triggered a sense of urgency to go deeper with God. His ministry is the rare kind that brings lasting heart-transformation, not just more head knowledge, and I thank God for the wake-up call he’s bringing for such a time as this.

    Kristine Noelle
    Founder of Hosea House of Prayer in Ladera Ranch, CA
  • Corey Stark carries a rare synergy between teaching and preaching that equips believers to worship in Spirit and in truth. He is exceptionally gifted to present some of the most complex concepts of Scripture with utmost compassion, conviction, and clarity. With the meekness of a down-to-earth father and a zeal for the presence of God, Corey is a top-notch teacher who is releasing many to walk in a Psalm 27:4 and Psalm 119:62 reality.Anyone who gets the pleasure of hearing him speak will be blessed with a greater anointing to rejoice greatly in the Word of God as one who finds great treasure!

    Jeremy Lau
    Senior Leader and Founder of Ekballo Harvest in Bethlehem, PA
  • Corey Stark has the heart and passion of the Apostle John, leaning on His Beloved and teaching on the deeper things of God that only come through revelation due to time spent, prostrate before the feet of our Father. He understands the hour we are in and the need to equip and prepare the church on the Revelation of Jesus Christ. His teachings only encourage, challenge and draw people closer to God’s heart and the depth of His love and mercy for them!

    Daniel Geraci
    Executive Director of Austin Disaster Relief Network in Austin, TX
  • Some people are excellent communicators on the love of Jesus and others are excellent demonstrators of it, Corey Stark is both! His love for Jesus is clear in the depth of understanding and clarity of his messages, but also the way in which he interacts with people reveal the servant heart of Jesus in him. Corey is a blessing to be around and a blessing to the church worldwide; calling her into deeper relationship with her Bridegroom and connection to the glorious plans of God in this hour.

    Michael and Becci Ball
    Directors of Manchester House of Prayer in Manchester, England, UK.
  • I have watched Corey Stark’s unrelenting passion grow over the years. His tenacity to seek and stand for truth is never ending. As I have said from the beginning, he is a messenger of the Lord, burning with prophetic insight and revelation of God’s word. His voice in our midst has caused God’s people to go deeper and further in the understanding of the time in which we are living. Having him speak will definitely cause the roots of faith, hope, and love to grow deeper

    Bob Deering
    Founder and Director of Voice Ministries in Elkhart, IN
  • Both on and off the platform, Corey inspires genuine passion for Jesus, hunger for greater understanding of the prophetic scriptures and urgency to grow in prayer and in the knowledge of God. He is truly called to equip forerunners in this generation who have skill to understand and boldness to proclaim the beauty of the soon-coming King Jesus. Corey’s teaching and wisdom has greatly impacted our family and our house of prayer, and will be the catalyst for the birth and growth of praying communities wherever the Lord takes him

    Philip and Sarah Anderson
    Directors of Glasgow House of Prayer in Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • We have been so blessed to meet Corey and to receive from his ministry. Corey Stark truly is a burning and shining lamp in this hour, who’s message awakens the hearts of God’s people and moves them to deeper levels of devotion to Christ. His ministry is marked by the anointing of one who sits at the feet of Jesus. I believe God is using him around the world to stir a generation to prayer and whole-hearted obedience to Christ. Through intimacy with the Lord and a deep love for the Word, Corey carries a powerful and timely message for the Church in this hour that both heralds our returning King while exhorting and provoking His Bride to make herself ready!

    Cheryl Klingspon
    Pastor of Prairie Harvest Church and Director of Harvest House of Prayer in Yorkton, SK, Canada
  • Anointed, passionate, and consecrated, describes God’s servant Corey Stark. He is a humble servant of the Lord, anointed to bring understanding and clarity to the underpinning of the House of Prayer movement. His ministry will inspire you to a deeper relationship with God with very clear guidelines on how to engage in prayer to make an impact in the end times.

    Tony Adamo
    Servant Leader of Kingdom Life Family Center in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
  • We were encouraged by the substance and message Corey brought to our local house of prayer. His humility and passion truly points to a modern day prophet. His heart is set towards Jesus and he communicates the message that Jesus is the way, truth and life. We admire his meekness and willingness to help ministries thrive and succeed

    Jon and Kim Robinson
    Directors of the Decatur House of Prayer in Decatur, IL


Connect with Ignite!

We have helpful resources to ignite prayer in your region. Please email coreystark@itn111.org for more informaton.