Be sure to find FREE NOTES in every teaching series!
Let Incense Arise: On Earth as it is in Heaven
Let Incense Arise: On Earth as it is in Heaven
Daniel: Identifying the Fourth Beast and the Coming Antichrist
Daniel: Identifying the Fourth Beast and the Coming Antichrist
A Royal Governmental Priesthood
A Royal Governmental Priesthood
Releasing God's Governmental Through the Simplicity of Agreement
Releasing God's Governmental Through the Simplicity of Agreement
Ein Gebetshaus Errichten (Building the House of Prayer)
Ein Gebetshaus Errichten (Building the House of Prayer)
Jesus' Second Coming and Glorious Millennial Reign
Jesus' Second Coming and Glorious Millennial Reign
The Glory of Encountering God - Tools for the Prayer Room
The Glory of Encountering God - Tools for the Prayer Room
Why the House of Prayer? 12 Divine Purposes
Why the House of Prayer? 12 Divine Purposes
The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The Fifth Gospel Unveiled
The Revelation of Jesus Christ: The Fifth Gospel Unveiled
Jesuchristo: Nuestro Esposo, Rey, & Juez
Jesuchristo: Nuestro Esposo, Rey, & Juez
Jesus: The Glorious Son of Man
Jesus: The Glorious Son of Man
Jesus Christ: Our Bridegroom, King, & Judge
Jesus Christ: Our Bridegroom, King, & Judge
Global End-Time Worship, Prayer, and Missions Movement
Global End-Time Worship, Prayer, and Missions Movement
The Day of the Lord (with Korean Translation)
The Day of the Lord (with Korean Translation)
Worship in Spirit and Truth - The Fragrance of a Surrendered Life
Worship in Spirit and Truth - The Fragrance of a Surrendered Life
Seven Simple Keys: Making the Book of Revelation Easy to Understand
Seven Simple Keys: Making the Book of Revelation Easy to Understand
The Mystery of Israel: Four Essential Parts in God's End-Time Plan
The Mystery of Israel: Four Essential Parts in God's End-Time Plan
Contending with Giants - Raising Up Modern Day Deliverers
Contending with Giants - Raising Up Modern Day Deliverers
Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with Jesus as the Bridegroom God
Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with Jesus as the Bridegroom God
Understanding the Signs of the Times: God's Zeal - Our Response
Understanding the Signs of the Times: God's Zeal - Our Response
The Judgment Seat of Christ and Eternal Rewards
The Judgment Seat of Christ and Eternal Rewards
God's Prophetic Calendar of End-Time Events
God's Prophetic Calendar of End-Time Events
Roadmap of the Book of Revelation
Roadmap of the Book of Revelation
The Restoration of All Things
The Restoration of All Things
The Book of Revelation 20 Session Teaching Series
The Book of Revelation 20 Session Teaching Series
The Spirit of Elijah - Power to Change the Heart - Our Family Testimony of Restoration
The Spirit of Elijah - Power to Change the Heart - Our Family Testimony of Restoration
The Unique Role of Believers as the Salt of the Earth
The Unique Role of Believers as the Salt of the Earth
The Vital Role of Intercessors in Changing History
The Vital Role of Intercessors in Changing History
The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
MP3 Teaching Downloads
MP3 Teaching Downloads